API Reference

API Reference for the OkHi JavaScript browser library

new okcollect(target, props)


DOM Element where the OkCollect component is mounted

See below



Api key string

User's first name (Optional)

User's last name (Optional)

User's phone number

Callback to be called with UserAddress once an address has been created/selected

Callback to be called with Error object

Controls whether features for capturing the user's gate photo on streetview are enabled (Optional)

Controls whether features for capturing detailed user address data(building, apartment etc.) are enabled (Optional)


(Optional) See below

See below

Controls the component light/dark theming (Optional. Defaults to false)

If set to true users will only be able to create new addresses, not select from pre-existing addresses (Optional. Defaults to false)

(optional) See below

  • props <Object>

    • API_KEY <string> Api key string

    • userFirstName <string> User's first name (Optional)

    • userLastName <string> User's last name (Optional)

    • userPhoneNumber <string> User's phone number

    • onAddressSelected <(UserAddress) => void> Callback to be called with UserAddress once an address has been created/selected

    • onError <(Error) => void> Callback to be called with Error object

    • streetviewEnabled <boolean> Controls whether features for capturing the user's gate photo on streetview are enabled (Optional)

    • toTheDoorEnabled <boolean> Controls whether features for capturing detailed user address data(building, apartment etc.) are enabled (Optional)

    • styleSettings <Object>(Optional)

      • primaryColor <string> Controls the primary theme color of UI elements(Usually corresponds to the parent app's primary color or the business' brand color)

      • highlightColor <string> A secondary theme color that contrasts well with the primary color

    • appSettings <Object>

      • name <string> The parent app's name

      • version <string> The parent app's version number

    • isDarkMode <boolean> Controls the component light/dark theming (Optional. Defaults to false)

    • createOnly <boolean> If set to true users will only be able to create new addresses, not select from pre-existing addresses (Optional. Defaults to false)

    • requiredFieldsConfig <Object> (optional)

      • buildingNameOrNumber <boolean> If set to true requires the user to provide a building name value. The "Building Name or Number" input on the final ToTheDoor screen will be required.(Optional. Defaults to false).


  • geo_point: <Object>

    • lon: <number> longitude of the address

    • lat: <number> latitude of the address

  • id: <string> The id of the address

  • user_id: <string> The user's id in OkHi

  • url: <string> A public link to view the OkHi address

  • street_name: <string> Name of the street

  • directions: <string> (Optional) Directions to the location

  • property_name: <string> (Optional) Name of the building

  • display_title: <string> Full text address

  • street_view <Object> (Optional)

    • geo_point <Object>

      • lon: <number> longitude of the address

      • lat: <number> latitude of the address

    • pano_id: <string> Streetview pano id

    • url: <string> Streetview url